Stories from ancient mythology tell about the phoenix, an immortal bird that rose again and again from the ashes. And don’t we all feel a bit like that right now? Our phoenix story, much like yours, looks a lot like this: hurried adjustments, pivoting and pinching, Plan B giving way to Plan C-D-E, doing whatever possible to help our clients rise and thrive during times of disruption.
Take, for example, Randy Lesperance. The founder and CEO of LanDesign never imagined spending 11 weeks living at his office during the pandemic, let alone having to navigate unprecedented labor shortages, supply chain challenges, and the possible demise of H-2B visas. And yet what keeps him motivated is his passion for great landscape design. “I want to push the boundaries and be daring and creative and delightful,” he shared with us during his interview, and that really resonates. Working with creative entrepreneurs like Randy keeps us excited about our jobs. Every client gives us a unique opportunity to define—or redefine—success in new, interesting ways. That’s what keeps us motivated.
Profit First is also keeping us on our toes. We’re well into our second year as official Mastery Certified Profit First Professionals, and it’s revolutionized our business. In June, we’ve been invited to speak on Profit First at the prestigious Small Business Leadership Conference in Orlando, and in September we’ll be at American Photographic Artists Conference in Atlanta. Plus, we’ve had the privilege of taking several clients through an entire year of Profit First and their success stories are inspiring. Indeed, you may recognize Dr. Scott Colonna; he graced the cover of our first issue of Goals, and now we’re sharing his Profit First success story on page 18.
Much like Scott, I’m confident that Profit First can help every small business improve the overall health of their company, and be profitable. And from business owner to business owner, let’s be honest: we all want to be profitable, right? Profit First is just the most practical, sustainable way to get there faster.
Rachel Siegel, CPA