Rachel Siegel of Go Figure Accounting

In the famous words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Indeed, we live our lives second by second, and sometimes it feels impossible to take a moment to step back and survey what is right in front of us. The goodness. The lessons, even the hard ones. We don’t take the time to see how all the little pieces fit together, to see just how much we’ve been blessed and count it out loud.

Like most, we can say unequivocally that this year has been a tumultuous blur of, “Yes, and …” moments. Joy, and sadness. Grief, and delight. Success, and setback. Failure, and fortitude. Elation, and exhaustion. Hard work, and playfulness. Understanding, and confusion. Longing, and thankfulness.

Was Go Figure successful? Yes! We are thankful for financial stability, an expanding ProfitFirst portfolio of clients, a growing team, and exciting opportunities on the horizon. We are equally delighted to report that most of our clients saw their businesses reach new milestones as well, which you will read about throughout this issue of GOALS. 

Take Bryan Fifer, for example. Bryan and I met at a Horizon West Professionals networking meeting, and I was charmed by him right away. Genuinely a nice guy, Bryan is the ultimate community advocate, placing the value of long term relationships over today’s bottom line every single day. And that has paid off in spades as his State Farm business reached epic new milestones this year. The same can be said for Tracey Forrester, another community-first powerhouse whose leads with heart and delivers with purpose. It’s nice to see the good guys win. 

But even if your business struggled this year, and there are many that have, here’s the good news: Progress doesn’t have to be perfect to be powerful. And a setback doesn’t mean we give up. In this season, we encourage everyone to celebrate the good within the hard, personally and professionally. 

Cheers, to a peaceful and profitable fourth quarter, my friends. We are so grateful to know you and to serve you.  

Rachel Siegel, CPA

Go Figure Accounting