A picuture of Go Figure's newest team member, Joan.

Whether you sell, medical equipment, landscaping services, or Mary Kay cosmetics, there are three things we can guarantee about your business: you earn money, you spend money, and then you report it.

Sounds simple in theory, but how you report it can cause any number of nightmares. Which is exactly why you want Joan Kellman doing your books.

Go Figure’s newest team player is an exceptional bookkeeper: data entry enthusiast, receipt wrangler, and tax prep wiz by day; tender-hearted rescue mom by night. Just ask the seven feral cats she’s been feeding the last few months, in addition to her 25-year-old son and three rescue animals.

What’s your official title at Go Figure?

Tax Preparer and Bookkeeper.

What’s your specialty?

Individual and corporate taxes.

Do you have a formal degree?

Yes, in Business Management.

What’s the best part of your job?

Interacting with the clients. I just love talking to people. Being able to help them solve tax issues is just a bonus!

What’s the one thing your clients can be doing right now to improve their finances this year?

Contribute to a retirement plan! That’s good advice for individuals as well as companies looking to offset their tax burden. Everybody wins.

Tell us about a client challenge you helped solve.

I had a client who was being audited for two years on returns prepared by someone else, out of state. It was a mess. Multiple items were claimed without merit. Financials didn’t add up. Not only was I able to help them repair their books and get them through the audit, but I was also able to set them up so this didn’t happen again. It’s so rewarding.

Significant other?

I’m a sucker for soft paws. I have one dog and two cats, all rescues. And there are at least seven feral cats that I feed and water. My son is pretty awesome, too.

What’s something interesting about yourself that not many people know?

I was adopted three different times.

Favorite way to spend the weekend?

Reading, working in the garden, or binging on missed TV shows.

You have 30 minutes of downtime, what do you do?

Read or spend quality time with my kids, two-legged and four.

Go Figure Accounting